From the makers of the Big Green Egg cooker.
For more recipes check out the “Sunday Morning” 2023 “Food Issue” recipe index!
Big Green Egg Rack of Lamb
6-8 rib lamb rack, frenched
Big Green Egg Classic Steakhouse Seasoning Olive oil
Seasonal vegetables to roast
Big Green Eggs
Set the EGG for indirect cooking with the convEGGtor at 225°F/107°C with one chunk of cherry or hickory smoking wood.
Remove the silver skin and trim excess fat from the lamb rack (you can leave the fat cap on or remove it – this is personal preference. If you leave it on, score the fat with a sharp knife). Cover the bones with foil. Smear the lamb with olive oil and generously rub with seasoning.
Add a disposable drip pan to the convEGGtor to catch any drippings. Add the lamb and cook until the internal temperature hits 140°F/60°C.
Remove from the EGG and rest under tented foil for 15 minutes. While the lamb rests, carefully remove the convEGGtor to set the EGG for direct cooking. Open the vents to increase the EGG temperature to 550°F/288°C. Search the outside of the lamb; re-season if necessary.
To serve, cut the lamb between the ribs.
Roasted Vegetables
Cut seasonal vegetables in 1 inch pieces. Rub with olive oil and your favorite seasonings. Grill for 2-3 minutes per side until tender.
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